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Entries in tira (2)


Gallery - Soul Calibur 6 Tira DLC Character Reveal Screenshots

The first DLC character for Soul Calibur 6 has been revealed, so here lies the accompanying screenshot batch for Tira. Tira returns to the cast of Soul Calibur as a bonus character for those who buy the season pass which includes 3 other DLC characters and 2 armor packs. If you miss out on getting Tira early, you can also at a later date get her seperately on her own. Soul Calibur 6 comes out in under 2 months from now on October 19th for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam.

Eleventh Batch (Libra of Soul) ≫

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Soul Calibur 6 - Tira DLC Character Reveal Trailer

Tira has been revealed as a pre-order bonus DLC character for Soul Calibur 6 in her new reveal trailer! Introduced back in Soul Calibur 3, Tira returns to SC6 wielding her Ring Blade complemented with her combat style that can vary between the two 'jolly' or 'gloomy' moods during a match. Check out all the new stuff she's capable of in the reveal trailer.

Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe ≫

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