Soul Calibur 6 - DLC #3 Creation Parts Set Arrives February 19

Announced at Evo Japan, the next DLC content drop for Soul Calibur 7 is coming February 19th (Tuesday). Okubo explained on stage that the Creation Parts set included with the third DLC pack comes with over 60 pieces of character creation items to customize your characters with and music from the SOULEDGE and SOULCALIBUR games. The top 8 for Soul Calibur 6 is still underway so expect a formal announcement for the content pack soon after.
Evo Japan Twitch Stream ≫
DLC #3 Creation Parts Set ≫
▌SoulCalibur VI - DLC Creation Parts
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Details from the stream:
- Creation Parts Set is included in SOULCALIBUR VI's Season Pass as DLC Pack #3
- DLC#3 is out alongside a game update on February 19
- Pack #3 is also available seperately from the Season Pass for 600 Yen (Around $5 USD roughly)
- It contains 67 Character Creation item additions
- 17 Battle Themes from SOUL EDGE
- 11 Battle Themes from the original SOULCALIBUR
Image Gallery of the Creation Parts ≫

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