Gallery - Soul Calibur 6 Raphael Character Reveal Screenshots

Update: More screenshots and the official character bio from Bandai Namco have now been added.
The French nobleman Raphael is officially here with a new batch (#15) of character artwork and gameplay images from Soul Calibur 6. Since Soul Calibur 6 takes place during the time period of the original Soul Calibur and Soul Calibur 2, he sports the original character design as opposed to the Vampire design he later developed in Soul Calibur 3. The whole batch of images can be found down below and you can click the following link train to see some of the previous SC6 galleries:
Fourteenth Batch (Cervantes) ≫
▌SoulCalibur VI - Raphael
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Character Bio
Born to France’s aristocratic Sorel family, Raphael was educated in the customs of high society from a young age. When he was older he instructed and rigorously trained in the art of swordsmanship. He used his knowledge and talent with the rapier to keep his family on top of high French society during the political turmoil and war. His cold and ambivalent nature gained him many enemies. When the France’s political balance shifted during the Evil Seed event, his family handed him over to his enemies to save themselves. Raphael eventually escaped to the slums where he was saved by a young girl by the name of Amy.

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