Harada on The Current Status of Crossplay for Tekken 7

"Don't ask me. ASK 1st party." Says Harada. He continued on in a string of tweets today addressing the main issue that is getting in the way of enabling console crossplay for Tekken 7 which are the 1st party policies in place that the developers have to adhere to when they develop games for their systems. Enabling crossplay between certain systems like PC <-> PS4 or PC <-> XB1 was also shot down because that would be splitting the player base on the PC which they can't do. He didn't say it but hypothetically speaking, the thought of PC players only being able to play with either PS4 or XB1 players does sort of bring the console that is not crossplay enabled down. So for now, people that are waiting on the status of crossplay for Tekken 7 to make their purchase, check out the related tweets on Harada's Twitter account and make your mind from there.
Harada_Tekken Twitter ≫ https://twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN
▌Harada Tweets - Tekken 7 Crossplay
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it's NOT my heart & our issue.
— Katsuhiro Harada (@Harada_TEKKEN) March 5, 2017
It's 1st Party issue & platform security policy issue.
Remember, SFV & KI is Exclusive PS4 or X1 @Jenny_Cage
@mikefizzled @Jenny_Cage KI = No PS4.
— Katsuhiro Harada (@Harada_TEKKEN) March 5, 2017
TK7 is Multi console platform. With their security policy P2P can not be used between 3 platforms
SFV = PS4 only and PC.
— Katsuhiro Harada (@Harada_TEKKEN) March 5, 2017
TK7 is 2 consoles & PC. The situation is different.
RT@logokas @Jenny_Cage SFV has PC/PS4 crossplay though?
With their security policy P2P can not be used between 3 platforms(Can't split PC ver).
— Katsuhiro Harada (@Harada_TEKKEN) March 5, 2017
Don't ask me. ASK 1st party.
RT@logokas @Jenny_Cage
@grandmasterthai @Jenny_Cage ASK 1st Party.
— Katsuhiro Harada (@Harada_TEKKEN) March 5, 2017
Don't ask me again.
Can't split PC version...DON'T ASK ME AGAIN. Ask 1st party!!!!
— Katsuhiro Harada (@Harada_TEKKEN) March 5, 2017
RT @daiconlovesyou @logokas Give us PC dudes crossplay with Xbros then?
Remember, TK7 has P2P network & 3 platforms.
— Katsuhiro Harada (@Harada_TEKKEN) March 5, 2017
It's not my issue. 1st party security issue.
Ask 1st party and don't ask me again.
@quicheggers Read my comment. It CAN NOT! and Ask 1st party it's 1st party security issue. Don't ask me again.
— Katsuhiro Harada (@Harada_TEKKEN) March 5, 2017
Rocket League has game server. Fighting game = P2P network. The situation is different. Don't ask me again.
— Katsuhiro Harada (@Harada_TEKKEN) March 5, 2017
RT @mikefizzled @mattdeeze
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