New Armor King Fire Breath Tech Catch Discovered
Wonkey ON
Monday, August 20, 2012 at 2:41AM

Looks like the game is opening more and more up as days go by, a video that shows an ingenious use of Armor King's unblockable fire breath move mid combo has just surfaced on taktak1893's youtube channel. You can check it out below.
Reader Comments (22)
why would you tech into something so obvious?
What the fuck just happened?
not nearly as broken as the hwoarang setup in vanilla, but a cool way to confuse the opponent with fire!
King should done a mid, which hit grounded instead of a low.
Fire is duckable.
Wrestler sweat and fire thats what happened. Poor Jack
armour king top tier plz.
He did 1+2+3+4:qcf+1+2 wich is a justframe, and MID. So no it is not duckable :)
@Bopper: I tried this move on my Tekken 6 on PSP, it's a duckable move.
From what ive seen the whole tag-combo system is retarded
There are so many situations where you can do 2 moves at the same time (one per character) and what the fuck is your enemy supposed to do if you use an Unblockable high/low and a mid? Never tech again and get reseted all day long?
Also you cant see shit when your enemy does fucking charge up flashy unblockables while his other charachter is just as shiny due to tag crash and they overlap with their effects.
There's no way that anyone here has watched this video once and understood what happended right away.
wahhhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhh i demand a balance patch after a first week release wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i recognized the first time. this tech trap is not that cheap considering it has a long tail to it, i.e the ki charge.
AK Fire breathe is high*
Just duck the dumb shit if you get hit by that your stupid as fuck
If it's an issue, I'm sure Namco will fix it..
The fire maybe high, but as you can see Jack teched into it when it was already active so he prob could not have avoided it.
Its a duckable tech trap that involves an unblockable, nothing new here.
lol @ some of these comments. This setup is sick and so is this game.
Even if this IS a legit tech catch thats consistent, so what? Tekken has tech catches.. especially at the wall... This one is cooler because of the way you set it up, but its not game breaking or anything in anyway.
IF it RESET on no tech roll and also caught backroll then there would be a problem, but as is, its whatever to balance - just cool
Okay, WHY would this be an "issue" ? Tech catches has been in Tekken for a long time and it's not broken. God damn.