TTT2: New Sebastian TA Glitch Discovered
Wonkey ON
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 2:28AM

That was fast wasn't it? A somewhat distorted juggling effect occurs when Sebastian calls down the partner for a Tag Assault after d/b+4 followed up with a b+1 bind. Thanks goes to thePRODIGYm for the find.
Reader Comments (9)
Damn that was fast. I am sure they will fix this though. Still thank you Namco for the free dlc. That is just too awesome.
Dammmm another dlc char glitch, to much dlc char will ruin this game. Arcade version is the best.
Trying out this glitch and it seems that it works fine on the Xbox version. It's not doing anything the video is able to do. Guess its just ps3 only glitch?
Never mind i was messing around even more with the character and yep its there.
My fear is that they haven't made enough money from this game and eventually some of these DLC character problem's (we still have a bunch of character's to go) will not be fixed due to the console network's retarded scheme of making developer's pay exuberant amount's of money to patch their game's.
Damn I wish they released more fighter's on PC. This game would be glorious in true 1080p with AA at 60fps. with none of the resolution buffering crap they have to do in consoles as well.
Wait...Sebastian has Lili's Tekken 6 db+4???
"patch this ASAP namco"
Lol. Gamrers have so much self entitlement, it's ridiculous.. Yes, yes I know we've all paid money for the game, but it doesn't cost anything to show some respect.
I don't understand at all what the problem is...
@ SKeering
Exactly. Leave it in I say.
Should've left the kuni glitch in there too. Stuff like that, whether intentional or not, gives a game depth.