TTT2: October 26th 1.03 Patch

Seems like our console systems have been quietly updated with a new patch according to the several reports we received. It does not seem to be a noteworthy one however as it doesn't seem to contain any of the remaining DLC characters or add any substantial changes so far. We'll update this post with more information as soon as we get them.
Official Change-log for Patch 1.03:
Search condition changes in "RANKED MATCH"
-Removed "RANK: ±5 only" from the search conditions and added "RANK: ±2 only".
-When "prioritize RANK±3", "RANK: ±2 only", and "RANK: ±3 only" is chosen, the matching will be done so that players close to your Dan Rank will show up.
When a player sets up a "limit on continuous wins" within a session of "PLAYER MATCH", the order of matches has been changed so the player that won up to the limit will become last.
When a player enters the lobby of "WORLD ARENA", the next timing of "TOURNAMENT" will show up (when it's during a "TOURNAMENT" this will not be shown).
When the player is asked for a free match in "WORLD ARENA", or when the player finds an opponent in the "RANDOM MATCH ZONE", a new sound will ring to notify players.
Matches in "RANDOM MATCH ZONE", players can view text chat (they cannot chat themselves, but can view the chat going on".
Added in the number of downloads when downloading replay data from "TEKKEN CHANNEL" and "LEADERBOARDS".
In-Game/Other Changes
Adjusted so that players can perform throw escape from TAG throws that can be performed in particular by Alisa and Jack6.
-Adjusted the spec of Alisa's Hertz Blade Aegis when it's used as an aerial combo.
(Infinite Combos against Kuma or Panda will no longer hit)
-Adjusted amount of damage when the player hits the wall caused by P. Jack's customize item "Claw Crane".
-Adjusted Sebastians's "Shattered Crown" when performed in TAG ASSAULT. Bounce properties will no longer lift the opponent up on bound hits.
Samechan's findings:
- In online ranked matches, there is the new addition of the ±2 Dans setting added to the search criteria.
- P. JACK's "Claw Crane" Item Move (u+1+4) has its damage toned down at the wall. [40]→[18]
Furthur findings from our readers:
- The TA glitch with Sebastian's d/b+4, b+1 bound has been fixed.
- "A New Challenger" sound now pops up in the World Arena when an opponent has been found in the random match box.
- The use of "Allah" in the Saudi Arabia stage has presumably been removed. (Need Confirmation!)
Thanks goes to townnet for the image.
Reader Comments (10)
this cant be the only reason for an update because this could easily wait until the next content patch in november
really nice to see how they care about stupid itemmoves
thumbs up namco!
I really like how Namco is really hardcore supporting this game after launch without it being for moneymilking reasons. It really is the best game to play right now imo and a good solid package.
I updated my latest write up at TZ after I read this.. Thanks Wonkey...thx townnet.
I assumed they took care of that Allah thing, too.
You forgot to include that this patch also removes Sebastian's TA! glitch.
Arena battle random match now have announcer say "NEW CHALLENGER" when it is connect.
Thanks guys, updated the article.
I wish they included that snap shot feature from Tekken 6.
Thought it was gonna be Dr. B.