Level Up Your Game App Released!
Aris ON
Thursday, January 6, 2011 at 11:58AM

Rip has released a Level Up Your Game app for the iphone. It is definitely a bargain at 99c considering ithas information on all 40 characters in Tekken 6. Check it out here.
Quick video description.
Reader Comments (14)
Android app not far off I hope
damn... this is only for Iphone? HTC was a bad choice
I had no idea there was a LUYG website.
Just bought mine! Enjoy all!
I sure hope they do one for android... seems useful when you wanna do some mokujin mirrors in casuals ^^
That's awesome! Though it might be unreasonable, frame data would make this app absolutely prime.
Good stuff regardless RIP!
I would pay 10 bucks if you have 40+ characters' frame data! Start reseraching RIP. You're going to be rich if you made that.
oh yeah what did pay für an frame data book...
this is so important i never understand why namco dont release this information clearly
and this app is ok but its not level up your game like we know it. the videos are much better if u want to level up your game. is this series still in development or is it dead?
ARESone no stress - RIP's all over Android
aris you want to see this daigo's yun match
Can anyone confirm on Android? Also, will there be updates?
@Undead_Nemesis yes to both
Frame data would be off the hook