The Road To SoCal Regionals Part 3
Aris ON
Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 4:12PM

This is the third part of the documentary. Some pretty cool interviews and insight in this, I recommend you guys check it out.
Reader Comments (5)
aris that was great video thank you for posting this , i really enjoyed watching it
man the speach at the end was so awsome suckes we dont have any arcades in denmark :(
Great little spot. Glad I stuck with it and saw the whole thing.
Had some nostalgic moments, I admit it.
Where does the community go from here? Maybe the future is in the living room, and not in the arcade. We've possibly lost the chance to be king of the arcade, but the social scene is alive.
"it's turned in to something beautiful...". The experience and the art-form are truly worthwhile to pursue.
Good film, I hope it gets good exposure.
I Can't stop crying. Thx Aris this video was very insparational.
The article in question:
I have not read it yet. Looks like an interesting insight into tournaments.
James Chen tried using focus attacks for for anti-air, and he got hit by the other Cammy's EX Dive Kick. He had a big health lead and then he backdashed, relying on defence to get the KO. He generally was not using much of anything for anti-air. Note in that last round how he eats a jump-in combo, then a HCF,uf+P, f+P grab move (I think that is how it is done, that is how it was done in SSF2). When he was down to a hair of health, almost KOed, he was STILL running away. James blames it, once again, on the matchup, calling it so random. Cammy has a great anti-air that would have countered most if not all of what his opponent was doing. Maybe it is true what they say about age?
When Jeorge was playing against Philipino Champ, the announcer was pronouncing his name as Whore-Hey! How funny is that? You talk about trying to get famous off of a game, when getting called a whore by the announcer. Missing an FADC to Ultra is always tough, too.
Very true and entertaining.