New Mortal Kombat Footage Featuring Combo Breakers
Aris ON
Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 8:39PM

Check out this new video with some dude speaking Chinese or whatever, it features footage of the "Combo Breakers" at 00:53 and 01:51. Typically I'm not a huge fan of combo breakers but hopefully it will be implemented well.
Thanks to Tekkenlover for the tip.
Reader Comments (13)
I would also like to thank Tekkenlover for sharing this with us! I really appreciate it.
its not chinese ^^ its german
i am from germany so i know it :)
ps: off topic whats up with Level Up Your Game? i know u know MYK good
you both could do drag and fang very well i guess
@Ashesfall, I think Rip is working on some new stuff for you guys. Keep your eyes peeled.
thx man..anytime:)
W T F, that gamepro logo at the end hella uses the same effect for their logo as LUYG haha, lame.
Combo breakers would be okay to me if they forced the attacker to guess his opponent was going to use the combo breaker and use a different combo to continue (obviously one that wouldnt work if he didnt do the combo breaker).
So player 1 is doin a combo, guesses player 2 is going to combo breaker, player 1 switches up his combo anticipating a combo break. If player 2 doesnt combo break then player 1 gets a weaker/no combo overall. If player 2 does combo break, then player 1's combo is a mini combo (that way player 2 gets something for usin the combo break and player 1 gets somethin for guessing correctly).
Just my 2 cents
The new Mortal Kombat looks like complete shit if you ask me. The motion capture looks like its from 1995. I don't see where the hype is coming from. If you look past the small "cool factor", what exactly looks good about it? If you would show someone a gameplay trailer from Mortal Kombat and one from T6 or SF4, nobody in their right mind would even think about buying Mortal Kombat.
sure sounds like chinese.
the bigest problem from mk is just the stupid looking motions.
look at namco games or even sf4 the motions are so smooth and great to watch.
the big thing mk has is just easy as simple the gore factore
i will buy mk cuz i played 1-3 after that i quit.
i know it will not as good as tekken is for me but for fun i think its ok.
great page i am here 3-5 time a day cuz u update it very well the iamtekken page is so dead -.-
i really wasn't into this game at first but this shit just keeps looking better and better and better with more footage that comes out....
you saying "someone that has seen sfIV or T6" is completely irrelevant as this is a fighting game site so we obviously know what those games have to offer
on topic, I like that the combo breaker was only that, a breaker and it did not lead to an offensive juggle, which was the main problems w/ them in the last games as they became offensive tools.
I think Rips idea on the breakers is solid, but at the same time they are tied to the meter so I feel as if that is enough of a balance in of itself if you waste it...
It looks like the combo breaker will be on the same lines as an Alpha counter in Street Fighter Alpha. There will probably be some default motion that you can do when you have meter to execute it. I'm still not thrilled with their inclusion, but having it tied to meter balances it out some.
But what I want to know how come they aren't doing more demos for their MK builds like Capcom has been doing with their builds for MVC3? For a series that has had a bad rap way more than Soul Calibur, it would go a long way to dispel fears and generate hype for a game that will be out pretty shortly. My main concern is buying a game that plays like ass.
And I know that the developers have hooks to change damage via patching, but the main thing I want to know is how the game plays. That's something you can change during development, but difficult after the game hits retail. It's also what Capcom did to make sure Marvel 3 didn't feel like TVC when they had people play their build and received that feedback from them.
Yeah, it still looks like 2 action figures fighting. I hate combo breakers.
Guilty Gear handles this mechanic the best imo.
Burst system- If you input burst when not in block/hitstun it'll be a gold burst. A blue burst occurs if the player inputs burst during those situations.
So what's the difference? Gold bursts on hit grant you a full tension (super bar) to play with. Blue bursts just gets the dude off your face.
More reasons to aim for Gold burst (correct me fellow GG players) is that it leaves out only 1/2 a Burst bar while a Blue burst will be completely empty.
So yeah picking these burst situations require some thought. Not only that the bursts can be baited and punished.