West Coast Warzone 3: Tekken 6 Top 4
Aris ON
Monday, January 17, 2011 at 2:15PM

Incase you missed it, MarkMan and I provided some top level commentary. Check it out below.
Watch live video from markmansdt's channel on
Watch live video from markmansdt's channel on
Reader Comments (48)
I was dissapointed with this tournament bc of the fact that Tekken was getting no love what so ever. First of all the stream was hella laggy, all the newbie stream monsters were bashing Tekken for no reason,and all they showed was Street Fighter all day. Im tired of Street Fighter always headlining Tournaments. I respect SF for all It's done for the Fighting game genre. But,that game is highly overated. Theres more to Tekken than most people know and players that don't play tekken should open their eyes. Anyways....congrats to R.I.P and JFJ putting on a great show.
I watched the tekken 6 part live. The commentaru was verry entertaining. Good stuff, as always, from Aris and markman :D - I was a little disappointed because I wanned more players to see. Don't get me wrong I LOVED the matches (funny stuff...with rip playing paul and james playing baek) but :( know. At least 20 players...
Congratulations RIP!
Can't wait for the next episode of level up your game featuring Aris :D
what was the turnout for Tekken anyways at WCW 3 also i uploaded the vids to youtube for better viewing if people wanted to see specific matches, i'll take them down once iplaywinner uploads them to youtube
12 people entered for WCW 3 from what I read over at TZ.
While I don't particularly value the opinions of stream monsters, let's be blunt here folks; unless we ourselves represent Tekken in numbers, no one's going to give a fuck about the scene (and yes, I'm dead guilty of this too).
Seriously you guys overdid it. I know Aris is very knowledgeable about the game and you guys probably could inform people what was going on and hype the game a lot. Instead, sadly, what is seen is two clowns commenting on other peoples appearance when they themselves look like shit. I mean you fucking didn't even have a clue what round it was most of the time. Get it together.
^ that post is awful
who gives a shit
@Reality: Nice try, RIP.
^ hahaha i spit out my slurpee... *stares
Reality you are a fucking idiot. The commentary was awesome. It was funny,entertaining and they kept shit real the whole time. Why were there only 12 entrants for this tourney? Thats pretty bad.
Honestly. I thought that stuff was hilarious. I have never seen two commentators hate on so many people in such a short amount of time. You know shit is bad when the haters themselves start talking about how much their hating.
On a serious note even though I know what ppl are saying when they say not enough info and stuff, but in between the hating going on there was some good stuff. I enjoyed learning about jfj potential character crisis and opinions about how rip plays. I also liked the little stuff mentioned about how combo's that are born from unexpected situations are very important in the game and reflect on the player.
Maybe people need to chill a bit?
the commentary was funny as hell aris ftw
I loved the commentary, I was laughing the entire time. I didn't know MarkMan was so funny lol
It's great to have people who will always love the insulting and whatnot but it's a cheap way of commentary and getting fans. If I want clown anticts like that I'll go and watch the god damn circus.
Of course this site is basicly the Aris fanclub site so I didn't exactly expect much approval of my commentary on it but that's how I honestly feel and I've never hated on Aris before. If it were any other two people they would never get commentary duty again. Yes it was that poor. Racial remarks and how someone is dressed and look only takes you so far when it comes to being funny amongst the 14yearold crowd that vacants here. Whether you like it or not that shit WILL turn a lot of people off and/or offend them. But that doesn't matter as long as you get dickstrokers like the above right?
Takes Aris a minute to even figure out that Paul is being used - really proffessional shit you guys. You guys didn't give a shit about what was going on in the matches and were just entertaining yourselves Beavis and Buttheadstyle. If you don't care or hype - then don't do the job you did . If you don't give a fuck about the game why would anyone on a stream pick this game up after hearing you two clowns? There were moments when it lit up - like discussion on Jin and so on, but for the most part this was a giant big ass turd that any stoner of the street could've emulated. And you Aris complain about non good commentary talking about taking people out on the street and beating them for it?
And once again I must underline; hearing what is probably THE two fattest and ugliest guys in the entire Tekkenscene sitting and complaining about how everyone else looks just as a filler instead of actually talking about the game just blew me away.
Your an idiot too nemesis. Show some respect. Aris and Markman FTW!
Reality you need a reality check. Your about to get flamed son. Why the disrespect towards Aris and markman?
Good games, commentary was top tier even if I wasnt about tekken most the time and Aris was right, I watched some of it live, you know the bits I could find in the season jabs to the groin that is sf4, but you dare say anything about tekken and the chat just decends into chaos with joeks about "you die in 1 juggle" and " sheep level or gtfo". thats what they were presenting to, its hard to give it heart and soul when the atmosphere is best described as "trolololololo"
cool shit.
Man aris dont let that faggoit rip censor your ass seriously. I am looking forward to the Dragunov LUYG as it's a character I would like to pick up in prep for TTT2
@Reality, Your comments are all valid. However, there is a time and place for professionalism when it comes to commentary. 90% of the people watching this stream didn't want to watch Tekken. In fact, they fucking hate it. There is nothing we could possibly say to change their closed minds. For this reason, our goal was to entertain everyone. We obviously didn't succeed in your case, but it was the goal. If this were a major Tekken tournament like SS or MLG, I would have avoided the loose commentary. As for the insults. All of the players on the top 4 are close friends of ours whom we have known for several years, neither Markman nor I would make comments like that to people we don't know personally. Nothing good will come from spreading this over sensitive attitude in our community. This is part of the reason why old school arcade players call this the "Friendly Fighter 4" era.
For the record, there were 15 entrants, which is another reason why the commentary was so loose.
Hopefully next time, our commentary will be more to your liking.
Also, In case you guys couldn't tell, that isn't Rip. Rip has a good sense of humor.
"THE two fattest and ugliest guys in the entire Tekken scene"- Reality
LMFAO this shit had me rolling, yall niggas are kinda fucked up looking though.
t I do not know which side i am going to agree with, but when ssf commentators were leaving and saying that there going be two guys who actually know about tekken will come up, I thought maybe few people watching tekken for first time or someone who actually cares might of been ready for real commentating. I like how aris and markman jokes and brings up hypes, but character selects were interesting to me, I never saw rip picking paul and I knew aris knew more stuff about their character select,so I actually hoped that u motioned more about game at that point.
anyways good job R.I.P and JFJ!
why is every single tournament schedule does not make sense to me lol
I was ready to watch tekken at 3:30pm :(