New TTT2 Screen Shots: Yoshi Looks Fucking Sick!
Aris ON
Monday, January 17, 2011 at 12:48AM

Famitsu has released a bunch of new TTT2 images. I'm personally more excited about these than I was about the Xmas trailer.The screens are full of new TTT2 info. Check out the rest of the images HERE.
Jaycee has Mantis Crawl stance.
Jinpachi now has a pizza toss throw.
Jin is gay.
Reader Comments (22)
You know why I love this site. Cause you arent scared to put funny things in there. "Jin is gay" I love it.
Goddamn new Yoshimitsu looks sickkkkk !
Manji clan
No nationality (formally Japanese)
Yoshimitsu is well known for changing his design radically with each iteration. This time Yoshimitsu's finally design was achieved slightly differently. The design was left in the care of model designer Takayuki Takeya. Using his figure as a base the game model was created. If you feel something of the atmosphere of the character from these photographs of the model that would be great.
p.s. do a search for him by name, some of his work is pretty awesome.
@noodalls, Thanks man, this guy is legit. I can't find an official page to make an article about him.
"Jin is gay"
No truer words spoken, and some blatant proof in these screenshots.
I tip my hat to you sir.
Each succession, Yoshi get's more surreal, funked up and crazy looking. Next Tekken he will just be an orb... With swords. Still, loving it. Yoshi and Kuni should hav
I have a feeling Yoshi will become mid - top tier to mend wrongs... Just a feeling.
*Yoshi and Kuni should have a kid.
Guess those tag moves they showed off at MLG Dallas weren't team specific. (Law and Jin doing Law and Paul move and Asuka and Jaycee doing Armor King and King tag move in screen shots)
Come everybody, lay off of Jin. He's just doing a german suplex and thats it (I hope...).
I'm just saying...
This is an amazing step forward from his Tekken 6 defaults! I'm loving the new look! It's Yoshi's turn now bitches!
Looks like Namco hired H.R. Giger to design Yoshi! So fucking Awesome!!! Hopefully he plays as cool as he looks.
I've never been that interested in the Mishimas, but Jinpachi looks so badass.
Jin is not gay... =/
Looking real good.
heipachi pizza, best in the business
It seems that Takayuki Takeya also did work as a mechanical/creature designer for FFVII: Advent Children and more noticeably Zeiram 2 ( It interesting because Yoshi's design looks like an eclectic clash between various warrior classes. His armor is bulky like a Knights but is definitely Samurai in design. His face resembles a Chinese Lion statue. Last but not least he has that ring in back of him which is commonly used to depict Hindu deities. I have no idea what its called.... Just some food for thought.
Oh and yea Jin likes incest.
jaycee turns me on with her stance
Aris, JayCee gonna be your new main with that Mantis Crawl stance? She could be Voldo's bastard wrestler child. Jus' sayin'.
OMG I jus came!!!!!! Jinpachi looks awesome! I was having a bad day till I came across these screenshots. I can't wait for this game! I hope they don't rush this game and make it as polished and balanced as posible.
If Jin isn't gay explain his metro sexual attire and that fact he still hasn'tt boned ling.
Definitely ghey.
I mean come on, Kaz had smashed Jun by game 2......
Jin is ghey till proven otherwise