Mortal Kombat: Mileena Vignette
Aris ON
Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 12:54PM

Big thanks to for putting this up. I'm typically not a huge fan of female characters in fighting games but Mileena is fairly interesting. Check out the Video below.
Reader Comments (10)
foul flesh pit huh? looks fine to me
Aris your just not a fan of females period. XD
And perfectly justified. "They smell nice, but they are soul murderers"..... hmm actually perfect for fighting games =P
this one chick that you dont want to get blow job from her lol
"I'm typically not a huge fan of female characters in fighting games but Mileena is fairly interesting."
Why are female characters an issue for you? I can see why people (including me) would avoid playing with characters like Lili or Alisa, but IMO there's nothing wrong with for example Nina or Julia in terms of character design. Is it because you find it unrealistic that females can fight against men in games or that you just don't feel manly enough not choosing a male character instead? Also I find it funny that you find Mileena interesting, while I personally would feel embarrassed with her over-sexed appearance. I find this a very interesting subject since I've observed that most casual players instictively select characters of their own gender; to me it's just not a factor.
Yeah I don't really give a fuck, cause when I play a character it's not like I identify them as being a reflexion of myself or anything. I like the duality of female characters in games like this, it's not like they are trying to be realistic or anything. Better to look at too. But i think the other guy hit it on the head that aris just isn't a fan of women in general. =P
My TTT2 team will likely be. Kazuya and Nina. (no not because of the SFx stuff, because thats who I used to play in TTT1)
My Mk team is likely to be, Subby and Kitana.
It just clicked to me, it is a rule in Outworld and Edenia not to wear anything that cover more than 20% of your body.
VeNoM362's favorite female character in Mortal Kombat. That was the best character trailer I've seen for this game. Always had a thing for crazy chicks.
I'm just saying...
From Soulnado to FleshPits.
Since, in Tekken DR, I breifly played as EVERY character, male, female, or beast, I can safely say that I do not care about gender or race for my character. But I can totally see Aris' point of view in that he likes to play as characters that look cool and kickass. Playing as a schoolgirl is not for everyone.