Harada Tweets TTT2 Info.
Aris ON
Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 11:24AM

Harada has tweeted that they are working on new custom costumes for over 40 plus characters in TTT2. This is interesting to me because It makes me curious if the card system will be one character per card, or one card per team. Also, its not a bad bet to assume that all the characters in T6 will return. The big question is, what older characters will we be able to play as once again.
Reader Comments (14)
If Jun was to return as a console-excluve character, I can't imgaine her being banned from tournaments simply due to her exclusiveness since she has been such a popular request-character. It seems like a very possible outcome that TTT2 arcade will have the exact same roster as T6 + maybe 1-2 brand new chars, and then TTT2 console would have TTT2 arcade chars + returning characters.
I'd be really surprised if we don't see Kunimitsu and/or Jun, they are easily the most requested characters.
I'm interested in the possibility of Ogres. What would their customs look like?
I just want to see more customs for my Julia
bring back Dr. B!
I agree, Dr. B would be fucking sick.
I hope they go crazy with the customs. Like Robo-Kazuya or Dino-ROger, and T5 Geisha Asuka!
Ogre's custume has to involve him holding Jun's head somewhere!
If you look at TTT1's roster, its only got arund 10 or so characters which arent in t6... so lets hope they are gracious enough to put them all back in... would love to have a jin/devil-jin and Kazuya/devil-kazuya fight, lol.
I'd love to see Dr. B as well, I spent way too much time getting good with him than I probably should have.
It would also be cool if they really fleshed out P.Jack and made him a unique character. They could really do some goofy stuff with him, like prototype weapons and shit.
Speaking of the Ogres: their movesets were pretty much a mishmash of moves from other characters, but can they really do that again considering they've done away with most of the clone characters?
I seriously think that a team per card is a stupid thing to do because we will be stuck to the team forever. Give us 1 card per character and if possible portable data from our t6 cards.
Loadsa people are going to make their team ups colour coded and shit, matching pink shoes and nails and that. So kawaii... *Farts*.
Know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I'm so excited to the thought of what they could do with a modern Kuni, moves, looks, tier etc. Fuck, Yosh/ Kuni team up CAN'T be missed out on. Bet my left nut and a can of coke Kuni will be in TTT2.
i kinda hope it's unbalanced. make the mishimas top tier, give ewgf mid hitting property, remix old tracks (like from t3 and stuff like the bassy epicness of acid rain in T5), Ogres (duh), keep dr, b and gon out of the game as that would be annoying in tournaments, give ling back her fucking taunt poke, and give devil jin a no wings customization. that's my ten cents.
ogres ftw
I would like to see michele, I miss her. Julia sucks...